Type 8

The Challenger/The Protector/The Boss

8’s are driving by a need to be strong. Their attention is habitually turned to their own personal empowerment and expressing their power in the world. They deal most with anger and are often seen as aggressive or overbearing. They are deeply intolerant of injustice and are defenders of the underdogs. 8’s are powerful, charismatic, and natural leaders. They can be emotionally insensitive to others and are often out of touch with their own softer emotions.

What They See

8’s are tuned into power, who has it, who doesn’t, and how it’s being used. They have a an eye out for the underdogs and have no tolerance for injustice. 8’s preoccupied by their own personal empowerment, and then seek to empower others. They are deeply motivated to have an impact on their surroundings and are always ready to take action, even it it means engaging in conflict. 8’s are always ready for a battle, but they’re going to make damn sure it’s a level playing field for everyone involved. At their best 8’s are magnanimous and heroic leaders who are willing to sacrifice themselves for those they love.

What They Miss

With their focus so keyed into their own personal power, 8’s tend to shy away from acknowledging any of their softer, more vulnerable parts. This often means the 8’s are out of tune with their own emotional landscapes and therefore have difficulty dealing with other’s emotions as well. This lack of emotional connection is the 8’s biggest challenge. If 8’s aren’t careful, they end up leading groups to suppress the feeling that they can’t *truly* be apart of them. This is also where the greatest miscommunication happens, 8’s see themselves as loving and dutiful while the ones they love can see them as demanding, controlling, or bullying.

Their Work

8’s need to slow down enough to get in touch with their own emotions, and make the time and space to be present to other’s emotions as well. Rigorous but mindful exercise is often necessary to burn off excess bodily energy before they can move into the stillness and softening they desperately need.